
Digital Ecosystems in Healthcare

Brand Identity Graphic Design Illustration UX/UI Design
For Movos, a pioneer in digital health platforms, we crafted a comprehensive corporate identity and designed a dynamic website. Our primary objective was to capture and convey Movos’s spirit of innovation and their commitment to interdisciplinary collaboration, which are pivotal to their mission of promoting disease awareness and fostering collaborative networks in critical therapeutic areas.

Corporate Identity Creation
We developed a full corporate identity that visually communicates Movos's core values of trust, dialogue, and innovation. The chosen color palette was carefully selected to embody these values, emphasising reliability and open communication. This consistent visual language was applied across all branding materials, ensuring a unified and professional image.
Website Design and Development
Our team designed and developed an engaging website that serves as a digital hub for Movos’s activities. The website’s layout and functionality were meticulously planned to facilitate easy access to information and resources. It also highlights Movos's role in creating and managing digital health platforms that support collaborative networking and disease awareness.
Informative Illustrations
In addition, we created a series of informative illustrations to enhance user understanding of Movos’s complex concepts. These illustrations were designed to simplify and clarify the mechanisms of their health platforms and the impact of their work, making the information more accessible and engaging for their audience.